Maptuner FAQ
What is the VIN?
VIN is the " Vehicle Identification Number " on Sea-Doo and Polaris, the VIN in the ECU actually match the VIN in the hull. Yamaha and Kawasaki doesn't. You can find the VIN for the ECU in your Maptuner unit, click in "My Vehicles" and you will see the VIN there. Yamaha looks like: YA21XXXXXXXXX3804, Kawasaki: KAW86XXXXXXXXX177. These are the VIN you need to provide to us when you require any kind of action.
Do you have a tune for my setup ?
Please, visit the tuning library section, we have listed all parts required for every tune available. If you don't find your setup, please send us an email with your complete setup and we will get back to you.
I purchased a unit that already has a tune. How can I access it?
You do not need a new license or the original license code.
We can move the vehicle between Maptuner accounts. We need the vehicle ID.
If you don't have a Maptuner account we can create one for you. We need your email and the vehicles Maptuner ID.
I’m selling a unit with a tune. Can I transfer the license/tune to my new unit?
No. The right to access the library of tunes goes with the vehicle.
Can my friend and I use the same maptuner?
Yes. A Maptuner X can be used on an unlimited number of customer accounts. It can also contain an almost unlimited number of vehicles and tunes.
The tune name says "X" RPM but my ski only does "Y" RPM how many RPM is it supposed to go? Also the tune says "X" RPM but the stage kit say "Y" RPM why is it different?
The tune name includes the RPM the limiter is set to turn off the ignition to protect the engine. The actual target RPM, the RPM we want the engine to run at WOT, is a couple of hundred RPM lower. This keeps the engine from cutting in and out resulting in a higher top speed.
What fuel do I need?
Unless the tune specifically indicates a fuel type it is intended to be used with 93-95 or higher octane fuel.
What happens if I'm on the water and I cant get that fuel?
The PWCs knock sensor will detect the lower grade fuel and reduce spark advance. This will result in lower performance. Running for extended periods with a lower octane fuel is not recommended, but if you need to use it for several hours it is ok.
Does the OEM function and features still work after installing a tune? earner key b. touring mode, cruise control, eco mode c. break in.
Yes, Some tunes might have some features cancelled, but you can contact us to request those features in whatever tune you want them back if they have been cancelled.
How does a tune affect fuel economy?
If you operate the unit at the same RPM as before the tune the fuel economy will remain the same. If you operate the unit above that RPM it will consume significantly more fuel than before it was tuned. At some level of modifications engines will consume more fuel than OEM setups for obvious reasons.
If I buy a license does it apply to only one tune or can I download multiple tunes?
Your license gives you unlimited access to the complete library of tunes for your vehicle.
before it was tuned.
SLR License will only grant access to tunes removing speed limiter.
Rental License will only grant access to rental tunes.
When I read fault codes on my Yamaha I get these "five" codes that I can't erase.
This happens when you use the programming cable to read diagnostic codes. This does not work because you removed the connection between the ECU and those sensors to plug in the Maptuner programming cable. It must be read and clear with the diagnostic cable.
I only have one iBR fuse the video says to remove two. Or I have a 20XX Sea-Doo. Do I have to remove the iBR fuses?
Removal of the iBR fuses is only required on 2016 and 2017 Sea-Doo 300 models. It is not necessary on any units with a single iBR fuse.
Maptuner common problems
Unit already registered under a different user name or different system.
Usually someone who purchased a unit that already had a tune. We need the current owners maptuner account user name or if he does not have an account his email so that we can create an account for him.
PC can't detect Maptuner.
This is a problem with the PC not recognizing the Maptuner driver software. Try to uninstall and reinstall the software as administrator and/or use another USB- port, if the problem still remains , please contact us.
ECU is locked.
This is usually a Sea-Doo problem cause by a change to one of the modules on the vehicles CAN bus. Also happens when Maptuner detect some unexpected activity ( Maptuner plugged to the wrong ECU, cloned ECU, updated software in the ECU, etc... We need the ECU VIN or ID to check what happened and fix the problem.
0214 cant program Sea-Doo.
Communication issue between the Maptuner X and the ECU. Could be in the ECU, harness, battery, maptuner cable, or maptuner. Usually a problem in the ski.
Is maptuner connected to correct unit?
Customer may be connected to different unit, something has been changed in the unit (see ECU is locked), customer is using wrong cable to connect, Maptuner firmware issue.
Can’t detect unit. Usually Yamaha/ blown maptuner.
Maptuner can’t read necessary information from ECU. Maybe a cable issue, wrong cable used, bad cable but frequently the result of a burnt out Maptuner because it was connected to the battery in reverse polarity.
Why doesnt my ski performs as in the website?
Environmental, physical issue in the PWC.
When I'm downloading the tune to the ECU there is a blank screen after I select the tune.
Not a real problem. Some tunes do not have a list of required parts ( as they are customized tunes )so the screen shows blank. You should proceed past the blank screen.
Tune does not have a primary market.
Requires manual server intervention. You need to contact us, we need the Maptuner Unit ID of the vehicle.
There are no tunes for my VIN.
Maybe the result of an incomplete read of the ECU when adding vehicle o the Maptuner or a new firmware version. We need the maptuner Unit ID of the vehicle. Please try this: "select Service/Fault Codes/Read or Delete Fault Codes. After that is complete resynchronize Maptuner and try again to select tunes", if still you have no tunes available, contact us.
I just tuned my 2016/2017 Sea-Doo 300 and now the ski is completely dead.
You might forgot to remove the two iBR fuses ad the ECU is wiped out. Put unit into recovery mode.
Sales information: info@rivaracing.com Jesus Garcia jesusg@rivaracing.com - Brian Rosencrantz brianr@rivaracing.com